Upcoming Events

Saturday, March 1st- Holy Cross Horse Race Night, 6 PM
Wednesday, March 5-  Ash Wednesday School Mass 10 AM
Friday, March 7-  School Mass 9:30 AM
Stations of the Cross  Grades 4th- 8th
Sunday, March 9- Confirmation 11 AM Mass with Bishop Esmilla, celebrant
Friday, March 14- Stations of the Cross – Grades 1st – 3rd
End of Second Trimester
Monday, March 17-  3rd Trimester Begins
Friday, March 21- Terra Nova testing In-View Testing
Stations of the Cross – Grades 4th- 8th
Report cards posted by 4 PM
Monday to Friday, March 24 – 28- Terra Nova Testing
Friday, March 28-  Stations of the Cross  Grades 1st – 3rd


Major Announcements

Absent  Reporting
Parents if your child will be absent from school you can now let us know via the Absence Reporting form.


School Updates

Check out the PIC (Parent Communication Page) under our Current Families tab for information on fundraising events that will be taking place throughout the year.

We are now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year. If you are interested in applying please use the apply now button here on our home page.


Holy Cross Shout-Outs
Give Holy Cross a shout-out and send a picture to Mrs. Spurrier for a chance to win a gift card. It can be on Facebook, Instagram, etc. Her email is espurrier@hcscrusaders.com. You will be entered into a drawing to win a gift card at the end of every month!


Please check the immunization information here to ensure your child is up to date with the new requirements.


Car Drop off/Pick up Procedures
Please review car Drop off and pick up procedures.

Car Drop off/pick up Procedures


School Permission forms

Please review and sign all Holy Cross School Permission forms.


Support Holy Cross School

Donate to Holy Cross School

Sponsor a student

Support Holy Cross with your PA Tax dollars